Here comes English language information containing health links and texts that might be useful for you!
CANCER-FREE Newsletter
May 24th, 2009
"Where Have You Been?"
Politics In Healing
A Letter From Serendipity
Poison Your Child With Chemo -- Or Else!!
A Reader's Story -- Cheryl Adam
**** Too Many Pills?
**** Phytoplankton For Vibrant Health
**** Mexican Cancer Clinics
Welcome to this 129th issue of my newsletter. About 24 months of past issues are available at this web site. Just click on the "Newsletter Archive" link on the left of the screen. The articles tend to be "timeless," so read or reread some of them at your leisure.
"Where Have You Been?"
I can hear some of you asking that question. Well, I'm fine -- now. Just came out of two miserable weeks with a virus in my head and chest that really knocked me down. It was the first bout with viruses that I had experienced in about 15 years. No, not the swine flu! Just a "garden variety" cold, I think. It came on after we spent the last 10 days of April on a much-needed vacation. I think the stress of the "catchup" required after the vacation got me down. I was talking to 5 or 6 people a day on the phone about their cancers for several days after we got back. Anyway, the April newsletter was the victim of the vacation and its aftermath.
Politics In Healing
If you listened to my radio show this week, you can probably skip this article and you won't miss much. I want to "rant on" about the great book "Politics In Healing." This book by Daniel Haley is must reading if you feel the need for ammunition to fend off your well-meaning relatives who are urging you to "just trust your doctors."
Most of you encounter at least some flak from some family members about your choice of treatment options for your cancer. Be patient with them. They have had none of your experience. But rather than just ignoring them or trying to tune them out, I suggest you give them a copy of Daniel Haley's wonderful book. Published in 2001, this book is the result of 10 years of research into the history of 12 suppressed cancer cures.
Yes, the cure for cancer is here. In fact, it has been here for at least 80 years -- since the 1930's. Unwrap the ribbon! The cure is already here. Why haven't you heard about it? Well, just take a quick guess. If there is no money to be made from a cure for cancer -- or any other degenerative condition -- the medical/drug cabal don't just ignore it. They go into full-out effort to suppress it and the potential competition from it.
The principal offenders? Well, it's the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rooted on and supported financially by Big Pharma. As soon as anything appears on the horizon which threatens the huge profits made from cancer treatment by the medical/drug mafia, these two agencies go into full alert. Brutal and continuing suppression methods just drive the discoverer of the new healing method into the ground. Their businesses are raided by storm troopers, their customers frightened away, their records stolen and impounded. Their homes are also raided and their families backed up against the wall while the storm troopers search their refrigerator, etc. These pioneers end up financially bankrupt by the court costs, in jail or driven out of the country. Some are murdered or driven to suicide or alcoholism.
Don't believe our medical system is this corrupt? I'm afraid you are just poorly informed. If you can read "Politics In Healing" and not get fighting mad, you probably need to read it again. Every day, I think about the millions of people each year who die unnecessarily of the effects of their cancer "treatments" and I can't keep my blood from boiling.
What can we do about it? Well, don't just sit back and think the new administration is going to solve this problem. There is nobody at the table where "health care reform" is being discussed in Washington who has an interest in a "single-payer" system in the U.S. Instead, the same old, same old health insurers, drug companies and medical bigwigs are being catered to.
No, I see no hope for true "reform" in the U.S. Our only hope, in my opinion, is to educate each other. Simple one-to-one talk and providing information will help many thousands of people survive in spite of the "health care" (actually "sick care") system. We can't help millions, but we can help thousands.
A classic case of brutal suppression of a cancer cure, which is not covered in Daniel Haley's book, is albarin. I talk about this case on this week's radio show. For at least the next 10 weeks, this show will be available for you to listen to, so I won't duplicate it here. All I ask is, if you are serious about this issue, get up to speed by reading "Politics In Healing" and listening to my radio show on this topic. Here is the link for the radio show:
When you get to the Web Talk Radio web site, click on "Show Hosts." At the alphabetical list of the shows, scroll down and click on "How to Live Cancer-Free hosted by Bill Henderson." There is a synopsis of the shows at the "Podcast" screen. Just click on the "Podcast" button.
Get angry, folks -- and work to help others get the information they need to get well. Buy a few copies of "Politics In Healing" and pass them around. Maybe somebody might accidentally read it! Seriously, take the knowledge you have gained from your experience and work to help others "get smarter than their oncologists." Believe me, there is no more fulfilling thing you can do with your life!
A Letter From Serendipity
Those of you who have listened to my web talk radio show know that I admire Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby. He is an articulate holistic physician with 37 years experience as an M.D. He is also a professor and a great teacher. If you are not yet a subscriber to his free newsletter, you should be. You will get lots of useful information from him. Here's an example. At the end is the information you need to sign up for his newsletter.
"Corruption In Cancer Research
Conflict of interest blocks out real scientific integrity in cancer research.
A study to be published June 15th 2009 in the journal Cancer has highlighted what is essentially corruption in the science of cancer research. It's called 'conflict of interest;' but you and I would call it corruption, bribery or malicious threats. Not nice words for a not nice phenomenon, which I've known about for years. Well, at least the industry is beginning to talk about it.
What it amounts to is that cancer researchers are likely to 'find' (or invent) favorable outcomes for research which is paid for by the major drug cartels. Many doctors engaged in research are on stipends from the very company which produces the product they are supposedly 'testing.' Some take secret bribes, of course, but then so do Congressmen!
Some investigators at major hospitals and medical schools have their salary paid, indirectly, via drug company funding to their hospital or laboratory post. Who has the guts to rock the boat when it pays the mortgage? Ridiculous idea, you say; responsible drug companies would never threaten the jobs of honest researchers. Well, if you are naïve enough to think that, wise up. Not only do drug companies threaten to get uncooperative (ie. honest and objective) scientists removed from their post--they actually do it.
This new up-to-date study puts some figures to the extent to which drug cartels bias what they laughingly call 'research.' As I am fond of saying, it's not research, but marketing strategies disguised as research.
The analysis, to be published in the June 15 issue of Cancer and headed by the University of Michigan, looked at more than 1,500 supposedly-scientific cancer studies published in eight authoritative journals, including Cancer, the New England Journal of Medicine and the Lancet.
Here's what they found:
** Randomized clinical trials that assessed patient survival were more likely to link a survival advantage to the medical treatment being studied when a conflict of interest was present.
** Apparent conflicts of interest (such as industry funding, consulting fees to authors and co- authorship by industry employees) found simply by reviewing the authorship credits were noted in 29% of studies, while 17% actually declared industry funding.
** Industry-funded studies focused on treatment in 62% of cases, whereas only 36% of studies done without industry funding focused on treatment.
** While almost half (47%) of studies done without industry funding looked at epidemiology, prevention, risk factors, screening or diagnostic methods, only one fifth of industry-funded studies looked at these areas.
Any guesses why the drug industry would slew research away from disease prevention? I'll bet you know."
If you'd like to read more information from this wonderfully intelligent source, just go to:
...and sign up. It's free.
Poison Your Child With Chemo -- Or Else!!
If you've watched the news at all in the last week, you've no doubt heard the story of 13-year-old Daniel Hauser. Daniel has been diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma (a form of cancer). After one chemotherapy treatment, he decided "no more of this." His parents supported him. Nevertheless, his parents were dragged before a judge in Minnesota and ordered to give Daniel to the conventional doctors so he could have his chemo. The parents are not stupid. In fact, they had researched alternative treatments and begun treating Daniel sensibly with them.
As a result of the court order, Daniel's mother has taken him out of the country. The latest word is that the FBI has asked Interpol to help find them.
What is happening to this country? You may think this is an isolated incident. It is not. Just last week, one of the people I'm working with to recover his two-year old son from his cancer told me that his wife had taken the young man to India to avoid exactly the same fate as Daniel. These are just two of many similar incidents in this country that I'm aware of. In one case, the parents were extradited from another state back to their home state and put in jail while chemo was forced on the child.
Of course, what is most disturbing about this is that the State is forcing parents to poison their own children. The concept of freedom of choice has disappeared. In Daniel's case, he is old enough to make intelligent choices. He said in court that he would "kick and bite" the doctors if and when they tried to give him chemo again.
Beyond the obvious imposition on parents' rights to decide what is best for their children, this Minnesota judge has ignored the whole universe of natural cancer cures, about which he, like most Americans, is totally ignorant. This is just another example of the horror inflicted by Big Pharma greed. By suppressing not only the natural healing substances but information about them, they have kept most Americans in the dark about healing in general -- and cancer in particular.
The news media have jumped on board -- touting the conventional doctors' claims that chemo has a "90% chance to heal Daniel." Come on, people. Chemo has never healed anybody. Those lucky enough to survive it have almost always been doing something sensible to offset the "side effects." These, of course, are not "side effects," but just the real effects of poisoning the body. Again, the manipulation of data by Big Pharma makes it look like their "treatment" is working when a few victims survive to five years.
If I seem angry today, I think I have ample justification.
A Reader's Story -- Cheryl Adam
Here is a first-hand story about a clinic you should be aware of. As you probably know, I don't recommend that people go to clinics for cancer healing, except as a last resort. However, if you find you're in the need of one, here is a real healing clinic in Oklahoma:
"Dear Bill,
Your book is amazing! My partner Tracey was diagnosed with stage IV ovarian cancer in December 2008. She was given six weeks to live and told she would only survive with the help of chemo, radiation, blah blah blah.... You know the story. Well, she refused all of it and went alternative, and she is on the road to recovery.
We are going to a clinic in Jenks (just outside of Tulsa), Oklahoma, called New Hope Health Clinic. Dr. Kent Bartell is a naturopathic doctor and chiropractor; he treats cancer, MS, diabetes, and many other illnesses, and he has amazing resources for cancer patients in particular. The place is amazing! There are so many treatments, and they are very affordable.
One thing that I like is that his fees are posted on a board in the lobby--no hidden fees, no surprise bills waiting for you when you return home. We have gone to another alternative cancer clinic in Tulsa (who shall remain unnamed, but I think you know who they are) who implied that our bloodwork was included. Then we found out we had over $1,000 in bills from the lab. They also told us a required doctor visit would be $50-100, but the bill was for $280, which turned out to be the everyday new patient fee all along. (We don't have insurance, so you can imagine how these things shocked us.)
But back to New Hope....Dr. Bartell is very knowledgeable and pretty amazing. The staff is so helpful, and apart from being able to treat your cancer, he has so many support resources available that you need during your cancer treatment: colonics w/coffee, infrared saunas, colloidal silver, Tesla electron treatments, a variety of B-12 shots, a body composition test that determines how well your cells are replenishing themselves...I could go on and on. Most of these treatments I just mentioned are in the $10-50 range! He really tries to make everything affordable. And the treatments are very personal: he really talks to you, gives lots of useful advice, he is very clear-headed and intelligent. He gives you so many options. He is behind us 100 percent, and we are so grateful.
Here is their contact info:
121 South 2nd St.
Jenks, Oklahoma 74037
877-544-HOPE (4 6 7 3)
All I can say is that they are amazing!
Thanks for you website and book--I shared some of the info with some other cancer patients, and it really cheered them up! :)
Best wishes,
Cheryl Adam"
Thanks, Cheryl, for the great information on the New Hope Clinic. It is these first hand accounts that are most useful to people.
I frequently talk to people who are having trouble swallowing all the pills in the regimen I recommend. Many forms of cancer make pill-taking difficult or impossible. When that happens, it is helpful to have other options. Usually, the best solution is to substitute either a powder which can be dissolved in liquid or a liquid form of the supplement.
Here are a couple of sources for powder forms of the items in the regimen in Chapter 5 of my book which I believe are appropriate substitutes. If you have found others, please let me know and I'll publicize them.
First, here's a mixture of the Dr. Rath/Linus Pauling mixture from the Vitamin C Foundation. It looks like a good substitute for at least the "Heart Plus" part of the regimen for stopping metastasis. Check out this web site:
If you want to substitute something for the Barley Power pills from Green Supreme, Inc., try either the Barley Green product at or the equivalent from Our Health Coop called Greens Plus. You'll find the latter at
A substitute for boosting the immune system and for a great dose of vitamins and minerals is Constant Health from Our Health Coop. You will find it at the above web site.
It's been a few months (years?) since I gave you a good source for marine phytoplankton. It's time you took another look at this product. I owe Art Brown a vote of thanks for bringing it to my attention again. He said it has helped both his physical health and mental clarity and resulted in better sleep. What is probably most interesting to you, however, is that he has seen a cancer lesion disappear after taking this product for only 8 weeks. Here is the web site. Check it out:
In a week or so, you'll get an e-mail from me promoting an e-book about the Mexican cancer clinics. If you do not have this one, I'd sure get a copy. It's called "Cancer Defeated." The author, Frank Cousineau, has been leading tours of the Mexican cancer clinics in Tijuana for about 36 years. He is better qualified than anyone I know to give you information about them, including his opinions of the best ones and contact information on all of them. Keep an eye out for this e-mail if you're interested.
Do your friends a favor and send them to my web site:
Be well...and be sure to hug each other every day!
Bill Henderson
Author, "Cure Your Cancer" and "Cancer-Free"
Although many alternative medical treatments have been successfully used for many years, they are currently not practiced by conventional medicine and are therefore not "approved" and legal (in some States) for medical professionals to prescribe for their patients, although it is legal for individuals to use them at their own discretion. It therefore becomes necessary to include the following disclaimer:
The offerings made by this publication are to be carefully considered by the user. All responsibility regarding the use of alternative treatments rests with the patient. If you have doubts regarding these things, rely on your conventional doctor.
following information is not a recommendation, just something you may
want to consider if you are a person like myself that prefers to except
responsibility for my own health, and does a lot of personal research
using myself as a guinea pig.
There are many ways to use MMS and
Molecula Silver in conjunction with one another that many Doctors are
using successfully . They can be found on the internet and you can get
on my conference calls every Tusday night and Thursday morning and ask
your questions to myself, Dennis Richard, or to one of my guests, many
of which are doctors and/or health care professionals. Most have had
personal experience with MMS and the Molecula Silver, along with many
other products and protocols that may be of help to you.
You may
want to consider using MMS activated with citric acid to address your
infection with the flu virus. Follow the protocol listed on my website:
This number of drops pretty well ensures that one's body is completely
free of pathogenic microorganisms and heavy metals by the time you have
finished your first 4 oz bottle and that will take 3 months to a year.
Cancer Clinics outside of the United States The listing of a doctor or clinic here does not signify an endorsement by the Cancer Cure Foundation. We will add additional information about each clinic as soon as our staff has a chance to contact them. If we have a separate page for the clinic, there will be a hyperlink to that page. In addition, we are putting together a database that will include details including contact information, size of clinic, costs if available, whether they take insurance, etc. If you would like us to check our database to see if we have this information available on a particular clinic, or if you would like us to contact a clinic on your behalf, contact our office by emailing us at, or by calling us at (800) 282-2873 or (805) 498-0185 9-5 PST. If you do go to a clinic for treatment, be sure to let us know about your experience. Any feedback you can offer may help others who are trying to decide which clinic to go to or which therapy to use. Austria The Kroiss-Cancer-Center for Alternative Cancer Therapy run by Dr. Thomas Kroiss in Vienna, Austria is especially known for treating breast cancer, cancer of lung, colon/rectum, prostate, brain tumor, leukemia, liver metastases, bone metastases, and ovarial tumors, using Their website is and they can be reached by phone at 43-1-982 57 67 or by fax: 43-1-982 69 92. Bahamas Immuno-Augmentative Therapy Centre in Fort Lauderdale has a clinic in the Bahamas. The goal of lAT is to build systemic levels of tumor killing immune complexes to the levels that would be found naturally in a balanced immune system - their credo is "we treat immune systems, not cancer." (242) 352 7455. Canada Centre for Integrated Healing in Vancouver, BC has an introductory program that consists of 12 hours of seminars and workshops over a two day period, including an introduction to complementary cancer care and healing, meditation, healthful nutrition, visualization, group sharing, decision making, vitamins, supplements and an opportunity to discuss a wide variety of complementary cancer care modalities with the Centre's practitioners. They help put together an integrated cancer care program, that might include Floressence, MRV vaccine, 714X, cimetidine, indomethacin, and Hydrazine Suflate. (604) 734-7125 Jim Chan, ND in Vancouver, BC is an acupuncturist and doctor of Chinese Medicine. He works with cancer patients using alternative therapies and nutrition. He has a very good reputation. 604-435-3786 Cose, Inc., in Rock Forest, Quebec is primarily run by Gaston Naessens, Francoise Naessens, Stephane Sdicu, and Daniel Sdicu. They treat cancer and multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and degenerative diseases. Their main therapy is 714X. Note: Gaston Naessens invented the Somatoscope, a microscope capable of reaching 30,000X magnification and a condenser permitting ultramicroscopy to help in diagnosing cancers. Note: The clinic is currently closed, but it may be reopening. For info on 714X and Gaston Naessens, go to Highline Oxyzone, Oxygen Therapies in Vernon, BC provides adjunctive therapies for cancer, HIV/AIDS, post stroke, chronic brain-trauma neurological conditions such as M.S., Cerebral Palsy, etc. and auto-immune disorders. They use ozone, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, detoxification, lymphatic drainage, and intravenous vitamin therapies. They can be reached by phone at 250-503-2111 or by fax at 250-542-1574. HOC Centre for Progressive Medicine - Dr. Thao Nguyen in Coquitlam, BC uses hyperbaric oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, Bio-Oxidative Medicine, Balneotherapy, IV / Chelation. It is a Hyperbaric oxygen centre with a naturopathic physician on staff. Their focus is on neurological conditions as well as adjunctive care for cancer and HIV/AIDS. They can be reached by phone at 604-520-3941 or by fax at 604-520-9869. Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. practices in British Columbia. He is considered a pioneer in the use of nutritional substances for healing. He uses high doses of Vitamin C along with other supplements, and a low-fat, low-sugar, dairy-free diet. 250 386 8756 Kelowna Naturopathic
Clinic in Kelowna,
BC is run by Dr. Garrett Swetlikoff, ND. He is a naturopathic physician who has a
family practice and utilizes biological medicine. He uses a wide variety of
modalities, including but not limited to, clinical nutrition, botanical
medicine, homeopathy, intravenous high dose vitamin/minerals, Ukrain, B17 oral and IV, neural therapy, ozone, IV hydrogen
peroxide, photo oxidation, thymus injections, IV DMSO, Heckel whole body
hyperthermia, Insulin Potentiation
Therapy, Potassium and Insulin IV, Helixor mistletoe therapy, Photocell,
Clodronate, Heparin,Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, Ionized O2, Blood and
Urine vaccines, Sanum pleomorphic remedies, IV Garlic, PCSPES, Chelation
therapy IV and oral, Enzymes, various diets and alot of "care and
love" - his words. Natural Therapeutics Limited in Toronto, Canada. We believe this clinic has been shut down. Northern Health Inc. in Ontario - Rudolf E. Falk, M.D., who was associated with this clinic has passed away. It has been replaced by the Nasri Chelation Clinic. Dr. Durenfeld and Dr. Nasri are continuing where he left off using a variety of approaches including vitamin C, hyaluronan, HA, hyperthermia, Intravenous Poly MVA with Hyaluronic Acid, Iscador, Laetrile, Tumorin, Hydrogen Peroxide, Neural Therapy, Wobe-mugos, Dendritic vaccine, Infra red Sauna. They also use low-dose chemotherapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and high doses of vitamin C, all of which are combined with hyaluronic acid, which is a targeting carrier molecule. The use of hyaluronic acid allows for better penetration of the drug to the tumor, and also better targeting, so the severe side effects of drugs are not felt. In operation since 1986. Phone: (705)735-2354. website: Pacific Center in Vancouver is run by Rachelle Herdman, N.D., M.D. They treat chronic problems, including cancer, autoimmune, neurological, cardiovascular, digestive disorders, and chronic fatigue. Treatments include: nutrition, diet, Ayurveda, homeopathy, botanical medicine & teas, herbal tincture, plant extracts, supplements, mind-body medicine-in-depth and counseling. Phone: (604)734-0244. Richmond Alternative
Medical Clinic in
Richmond, BC - Dr. Martin Kowk, ND, MSAOM, RAC, uses traditional (TCM) Chinese
herbal medicine, acupuncture, acupoint injections, clinical nutrition,
homeopathic medicine, chelation therapy, ozone, IV therapy, and more. They also
treat autoimmune disorders and do amalgam and heavy metal detoxification.
Phone: 604-207-0167 Vital Path Health Centre in British Columbia treats cancer fibromyalgia, liver disease, and stroke using hyperbaric oxygen, homeopathy, oxygen, Chinese herbs, Essiac and Hoxsey in some cases, diet, and acupuncture. Psychological therapies are also used, such as guided imagery and positive affirmations. Their website is for more information. (250) 549-1400 Cuba In Havana, Ozone Research Center - Carlos Hernandez Castro, Ph.D., also treats senile dementia, Parkinson's, arthritis, diabetic neuroangiopathy, and glaucoma. Primary therapy is ozone therapy. 011-53-721-0588 Denmark Humlegaarden Complementary Cancer Clinic - Since 1945, Humlegaarden has been one of Scandinavia's most well-known private cancer clinics, using alternative therapies along with chemotherapy if necessary. 45 491 32 465 Ecuador Robert B. Wickman DO ND is Quito is an Osteopathic doctor, specializing in diseases of the nervous system and spinal column. He has treated many cancers, even advanced. He uses IPT therapy, diet and supplements. 593-2-241-274 England/Europe/UK Brackendene Clinic, run by Dr. Paul Layman is in
Dorset, England. They carry out metabolic therapy and give B17 IVs. You can
contact him at: Tel. 01202 824109/ Fax 01202 820739. Callebout, M.D. in London, England uses numerous herbs, nutritional supplements, enzymes, and substances uniquely tailed to fight cancer, along with a detoxification regime, an overhaul of the patient's diet, and psychological tips for "health survivorship." 011 44 207 2 55 2232 or Mobile: 44 7930 336348 Dove Clinic for Integrated Medicine in Hants. They tailor their tests and treatments to the individual. They may use Laetrile and Dendritic Cell Therapy to reduce tumor size, C-statin from bindweed for angiogenesis inhibition, homeopathy, diet and nutrition, autohemotherapy or intravenous ozone, acupuncture, whole body negative ionisation, and life style changes/mind/body approaches. They treat late stage cancers and many chronic diseases. Their website is and they can be reached by phone at 01962 718 000. The Issels Cancer Treatment is a 50 year old therapeutic system originating in Europe. Therapy includes: detoxification, nutritional support, supplementation of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, Chelation Therapy, acupuncture, massage therapy, counseling, Oxygen/Ozone Therapy, vaccines, light therapy, and a truly integrated approach to treating cancer. The Park Attwood Clinic in Worcestershire uses a combination of treatments, including anthroposophical approaches, in conjunction with conventional medication when needed. They treat a wide range of illnesses including cardio-vascular diseases, musculo-skeletal disorders, neurological problems, immunological disorders, and cancer. Tel: +44 (0) 1299 861444 or Fax: +44 (0) 1299 861375. Full details at their website Germany BioPulse Rejuvenation Clinic - The Bio Pulse Clinic in Mexico has been stopped from using some of the therapies they were using. We aren't sure about the clinic in Germany. Bio Med Klinik in Bad Borgzabern is run by E.
Dieter Hager, M.D., Ph.D., since 1989. They treat cancer as well as other
immunodeficiencies, including chronic fatigue syndrome. They use many therapies
including hormone therapy, hyperthermia, immunotherapy (ASI/tumor vaccination),
thymus peptides, and electrotherapy (galvanotherapy). Complementary oncology,
immunology and hyperthermia. Contact info: 49 / 63 43 / 7 05 - 0 Hufeland Clinic for Holistic Immunotherapy in Bad Mergentheim Germany uses a
treatment based on a well-established concept developed by Dr. Josef
Issels, which is a holistic approach using fever therapy, hyperthermia and
immunobiological medicine. They treat most cancers including breast, melanoma,
prostate, colon, kidney, brain, and sarcomas, as well as arteriosclerosis. They
also use colonics, eumetabolic, homeopathic, vitamins, minerals, enzymes,
ozone, oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, chelation, hydrotherapy, acupuncture,
and nutrition. 49 7931/536-0 Hans Nieper's clinic is in Hanover, north of Frankfurt. Although he is no longer alive, the
office is still open and they treat cancer, multiple sclerosis,
arteriosclerosis, coronary disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, rheumatoid
arthritis, and osteoporosis. Therapies include eumetabolic therapy, gene
repair, beta-carotene, dialdehydes, squalene-ascorbate, ureylmandelonitrile,
laetrile, and enzymes. (Trying to confirm contact info: 011-49-511-348-08-08 or
Fax: 011-49-511-318417.) Hong Kong Optimum Health Centre in Causeway Bay is run by Alexander
Yuan, B.A., D.C., N.D., D.Ht. It was established in 1987 and is one of the
oldest & largest health centers in Hong Kong. They treat a full range of
health problems, including AIDS and cancer. They use gastrointestinal tract
cleansing, colon hydrotherapy, herbal, nutritional, constitutional
hydrotherapy, ionic, enzymes, supplements, and diet. 2577-3798 Hungary United Cancer Research Institute, in Budapest is run by Dr. Laszlo K. Csatary and Eva Csatary. They can be reached via a Fort Lauderdale phone/fax number: 954-525-3120. This clinic uses a not-so-new Virus Therapy that they have been researching and developing for over 30 years. They have patients that are in remission since their inception. 954-525-3120 Ireland The East Clinic in Killaloe in County Clare/Killaloe is run by Paschal Carmody, M.B., B.Ch., D.C.H., D.Obs. It was established over 20 years ago. They treat cancer as well as cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal, dermatological, hematological, and neurological disorders. They use immune modulating, live cell treatment, ozone, hyperthermia, chelation, and nutritional supplement therapy. Tel: 001 353 61 376349/376206. Fax: 001 353 61 376773. Israel
Italy Giancarlo Pizza, MD at Sant'Orsola-Malpighi Hospital in Bologna - Telephone (direct from the U.S.) 01139 0516362478 or fax: 01139 0516362476. Treatment is out-patient at the Clinic. Additional follow-up both and home and visiting the clinic may be required. Best results are in renal cancer, but they treat most cancers. They use specific and non-specific transfer factor; low dose IL-2 injected intralymphatically, interferon, LAK cells (lymphokine activated killer cells), interferon-alpha, and hormone therapy. Currently they have a proposed research study on transfer factor as a form of immunotherapy for advanced metastatic prostate cancer stage D3. NFAM has a write up on this clinic at Japan Holistic Keihoku Hospital in Tokyo is run by Tsuneo Kobayashi, M.D. They treat many cancers including bone, breast, liver, ovarian, and colon; as well as cirrhosis of the liver; and chronic hepatitis. They use lymphocyte therapy, LAK therapy, plasma exchange, herbal, refreshment therapy (enhancement of natural healing), psychoimmunomodulation, and immuno-thermo-chemotherapy. 0081-03-3946-7271 Mexico The list of Mexican Clinics has been moved to its own page. Go to Directory of Mexican Clinics. Be sure to read our write up on why so many people go to these Mexican Clinics on the same page. New Zealand Bay of Plenty Environmental Health Clinic in Tauranga is run by Mike Godfrey, M.B.B.S. In addition to cancer they treat Alzheimer's, cardiovascular disorders, and other chronic diseases using nutrition, immunosupportive therapies, detoxification, chelation, acupuncture, and homeopathy. They also do mercury amalgam investigations. Phillipines Bio Medical Health Center in Pasay City, Metro Manila treats chronic degenerative diseases, vascular and heart diseases using, homeopathy, chelation, and Chinese Medicine. 0063-702-827-1444 Portugal Health Center of Lisbon is run by Serge Jurasunas, ND. It was established over 15 yrs ago. They treat most cancers, especially breast, stomach, prostate, colon, pancreas, and brain; as well as multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's. The therapies they use include: Geoxy 132, chitin, Ukraine therapy, bamboo leaf extract, SGE, SOD, LEM, aloe vera injections, xian tian, propermyl, DMSO, enzymatic, hematoxilan, live cell, tributyrrate, nucleic acid, and peptides. 00351-1-347-1117 San Salvador Hospital de Diagnostico, a "boutique hospital" using art and music and other extra medical forms of gentleness and strength to add to its ambiance of healing, has added HANSI AT to its list or therapies offered. To assure El Salvador of its integrity, it will be tested further there under the auspices of Stanford University, while other tests are beginning in St. Petersburg, Russia, in cooperation with the Pasteur Institute and the World Health Organization. Dr. Rodrigo Brito, president and director of Hospital de Diagnostico, and his staff will administer the treatment of late stage cancer along with the facility's arsenal of advanced equipment for cancer therapies. Dr. Cesar Bertacchini, oncologist and professor of oncology in Buenos Aires, Argentina, will join them as medical director of the program. Patients will be received beginning August 1, 2002. For additional information, contact Dr. Colleen Green at the U.S. Information Office (941) 358-8500. Spain J. Buxalleu Font in Barcelona treats solid tumors
using self-vaccination with gamma globulin. He has used this therapy since
1965. 0034-93-792-0489 South Africa Spring of Life Therapeutic Center in Kenya uses Polyatomic Oxygen Therapy and Apheresis in treating cancer. Detoxification and boosting the immune system is a major part of their approach. They use intravenous treatments, colonic enemas, diet, supplementation, and in some cases they use intravenous blood additives and substitutes. Tel No: (+ 254) 733708041 The following are not clinics, but may be able to offer referrals: SACMA - South African
Complementary Medical Assoc. South America Centro De Rejuvenecimiento Cellular Por Oxigenoterapia Hiperbarica in Palmira, Colombia does adjuvant HBO treatment, especially for those receiving radiation or chemotherapy, mostly breast and prostate cancers. They also use nutritional and vitamin therapy. Tel. (57 ) (02 ) 272 45 44 , FAX : (57 ) (02 ) 273 32 28 In Cali there are two clinics that use allopathic and alternative, including Hyperbaric, Bio Energetic Medicine, homeopathic medicine, acupuncture, chelation, vitamin and nutritional medicine. These two clinics are: Clinica de Medicina Biologica del Dr. Arturo - Tel (57) (02) 554 12 87 and Medicina Bio Energetica, Dr. Elias Bechara Simancas - Tel (57 ) ( 02 ) 661 78 36 or email Switzerland Aeskulup in Brunnen - - has approaches similar to Klinik St Georg in Germany and they are a well known clinic in Switzerland. They use Classical homeopathy, neural therapy, TCM - traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, anthroposophic medicine (mistletoe), fever therapy (hyperpyrexia), blood-oxygen therapy, ozone therapy, hyperthermia - whole body and local, galvanotherapy, and more. 41 41 825 48 61or CSCT has closed the clinic in Switzerland. Their clinic in Mexico has also been shut down. Fred Vogeli is opening a clinic in Switzerland. He uses Hulda Clark's approaches. Go to or email for more info. Lukas Klinik, CH-4144 Arlesheim, Phone: 011-41-61-72-3333. Their website is They use Mistletoe in their treatment programs. They aim to give special consideration not only to the physical situation of the sick individual but also to his or her soul and spirit. The work bases on the insights gained in anthroposophically extended medicine which was developed by Rudolf Steiner and Ita Wegman. Paracelsus Klinik Center for Holistic Medicine and Dentistry combines holistic medicine, naturopathic treatments and biological dentistry. They work with some clinics in the U.S. In US, contact 508-748-0816. Serafin Naturheilpraxis
AG in Wolfhalden,
Switzerland uses Electro-acupuncture, chiropractic, darkfield microscopy, laser
therapy, pain management, immune system modulations, most natural healing
methods for treating chronic diseases, including cancer. This includes enzymes,
mistletoe, thymus therapy, hyperthermia, and vaccines.
| Please take a look: (scroll down and read as well about that) ********************************************************* About NaHCO3 therapy For centuries, medicated baths have been one of the first lines of
treatment for psoriasis. Even today, with sophisticated immunosuppressive
treatments available, Dead Sea salts and spa waters are recognized to be
beneficial in the management of psoriatic patients. To assess statistically the
efficacy of sodium bicarbonate baths in psoriasis
patients, thirty-one patients with mild-moderate psoriasis were studied. Almost
all patients who used NaHCO3 (baking soda) - reported a statistically
valuable improvement. NaHCO3- baths reduced itchiness and irritation; in
general, the patients themselves recognized a beneficial impact on their
psoriasis, so much so that they have continued to bathe in NaHCO3- even after
the end of the study. "Sodium
bicarbonate therapy is harmless, fast and effective because it is extremely
diffusible. A therapy with bicarbonate for cancer should be set up with strong
dosage, continuously, and with pauseless cycles in a destruction work which
should proceed from the beginning to the end without interruption for at least
7-8 days. In general a mass of 2-3- 4 centimetres will begin to consistently
regress from the third to the fourth day, and collapses from the fourth to the
fifth. Generally speaking, the maximum limit of the dosage that can be
administered in a session gravitates around 500 cc of sodium bicarbonate at
five per cent solution, with the possibility of increasing or decreasing the
dosage by 20 per cent in function of the body mass of the individual to be
treated and in the presence of multiple localisations upon which to apportion a
greater quantity of salts," instructs Dr Simoncini. In the
early stages of acidic pH in the body's tissues, the warning symptoms are mild.
These include such things as skin eruptions, headaches, allergies, colds, flu
and sinus problems. These symptoms are frequently treated (manipulated) with
antibiotic drugs and suppressive medications. The longer and the deeper we
become acidic the more our illness takes hold so it's best to fight acidic
conditions early on and in every presenting clinical situation. Certainly a
highly toxic drug like anti viral Tamiflu won't do a fraction of the job sodium
bicarbonate will do especially if it's combined with magnesium chloride and
iodine as well as high levels of vitamin C. In late
stages of acidic pH we need to turn to the most alkaline minerals to increase
our throw weight of alkalinity into cancer cells. Mass spectrographic and
isotope studies have shown that potassium, rubidium, and especially cesium are
most efficiently taken up by cancer cells. This uptake was enhanced by Vitamins
A and C as well as salts of zinc and selenium. The quantity of cesium taken up
was sufficient to raise the cell to the 8 pH range. There
seems little grace left in medicine and it is a disgrace that allopathic
medicine does not even use its own emergency medicines, proven heavies like
magnesium sulfate and chloride, sodium bicarbonate and iodine to anywhere near
a thousandth of a percent of their real medical potentials. Combining
pH shift with Heat " Give me a chance to create fever and I will cure any disease."
- Parmenides 2,000 years ago Fever is one of the body's own defensive and healing forces,
created and sustained for the deliberate purpose of restoring health. The high
temperature speeds up metabolism, inhibits the growth of the invading virus or
bacteria, and literally burns the enemy with heat. Fever is an effective
protective and healing measure not only against colds and simple infections, but
against such serious diseases as polio and cancer. The idea
of destroying cancer with heat is certainly not new and has been widely
accepted for a very long time, but has had very limited applications because it
was finally concluded that, in order to ensure destruction of the cancerous
growth, it is necessary to reach a temperature deadly to healthy cells as well.
Many attempts have been made to bypass this problem and some methodologies have
been developed like: localized hyperthermia, laserthermia, radio-fractionated
hyperthermia and TTT. But they all have limitations and cannot complete the
job, because they cannot achieve total necrosis and, unless the entire mass of
neoplastic tissue is destroyed, the cancer will continue to grow. But: Hyperthermia
gives cancer a hard time: 1.
removing accumulations of stored toxic chemicals that cause cancer. 2.
improving circulation so that tissues are both nourished with oxygen and
flushed of acidic metabolic wastes. 3.
weakening or even killing cancer cells that have a lower tolerance for heat
than healthy cells. Thus we
should easily conclude that far-infrared sauna treatments are going to help a
cancer sufferer no matter which way we slice the treatment protocol. But for a
more targeted heat to kill cancer tumors we have Dr. Antonella Carpenter who
has perfected the treatment of cancer cells with heat through her use of
lasers. She generates the death of the cells by suffocation via heat. Dr
Carpenter, a physicist with a clinic in Little Rock , says, "As long as
the entire neoplastic mass is exposed to the laser light, for the correct
amount of time, the success is complete and the results, as well as the healing
stages, are always the same." Her cancer treatment is called Light Induced
Enhanced Selective Hyperthermia, which in itself pretty much summarizes all the
characteristics of this new therapy. With this form of treatment cancer cells
reach a deadly temperature level quickly and are subject to irreversible damage
and therefore die, either immediately or within 48 hours. In a separate chapter
we will be talking about hyperthermia in another context, that of the hot
bathtub which we will learn to fill with healing substances like sodium
bicarbonate. We will be creating our own hot springs , healing pools that will
do wonders for our health. Medical treatments of the first order can be had
right inside your very own bathtub. Mark
Sircus Ac., OMD Director
International Medical Veritas Association International
Medical Veritas Association Copyright 2007 All rights reserved.
Basic information for better understanding about our therapy:Why go to Vienna, Austria for cancer treatment?First of all: There are a lot of working therapies that are almost completely unknown! We looked for them and we use them. It seems that chemotherapy benefits from a world wide protection. The strategy seems to be to give people as much chemotherapy as possible until they die. So other therapies (especially working therapies) are banned and also very seldom known. We collected those together. They work! We have therapies that work quickly and stop cancer quickly - and we have therapies that need more time (to change the milieu). The second fact: we do not have an expensive clinic to finance, we are only serving ambulant patients. So we have no need to "sell you as much therapy as possible" but our main attention is free to serve and satisfy cancer patients. Please understand our efforts well:We change the mileu to create a cancer hostile environment in the organism.
It could be that our quickly working methods of reducing and eliminationg
cancer work well (what they mostly do) - nevertheless we need a cancer hostile
environment in order to establish and obtain real health. "Real healing":I must admit that there is no promise that one will make it through a
"real-healing-effort". There is no guarantee, especially because most
patients have been treated contrary to healing by chemo or other treatments.
Chemo will always bring the system further away from healing. It turned out
that especially hormones like cortisone, tamoxiphen, aromatase-blocker etc.
bring the system even more out of balance than chemo. Some theory about "real healing":In an organism all control functions are held in balance by two antagonistic
forces. If for instance the blood sugar should be held on a certain level
"hormone A" will push it high while "hormone B" will press
it down. Those 2 forces produce the right level. The proof:This is fine theory. But theory is only that much worth as it is proven to
work. In the following case reports all of the listed patients have been
treated by one and the same treatment that only addresses the system. It
contains a few steps that brings about a recovery of the coordinating systems
that are responsible for growth commands. There were no treatments of the
cancer tumor itself. I translated and wrote up 15 cases for you. They are
severe cases of very progressed cancer. This is not an example for you to wait
until you are that far but only an example for the extreme workability of this
procedure. You can come and get this therapy here in Vienna. Unfortunately it
is not available in America since the FDA prohibited certain elements of this
therapy long ago. It is not done anywhere in the world as far as I know. Breast cancer:I see that I did not give examples of breast cancer. There were one patient
with bone metastases after having operated the breast 3 years before. It took 6
months of our therapy to be able to stand on the legs (metastases were in the
legs) and another 6 months to be able to walk without pain. The patient lived
then for many years a complete normal life and was able to work normally. For whom this therapy is suitable:- If operation did not handle ALL cancer. Duration of therapy:Duration of therapy will of course vary from patient to patient. In principle it takes at least weeks for the organism to change into "cancer hostile". We count that it takes 6 months but it can be even longer. It is not necessary to stay all 6 months, especially since a small part of the therapy has to be continued through years. We will instruct the patient about that when that stage of therapy is reached. A person who has got chemotherapy, hormones, hormone blockers or cortisone may not reach the desired result; we cannot predict that. In general we do of course not promise any result and the therapy must be understood as a healing attempt. Yet a real correction of the system has proved to be possible so the cancer tumours disappeared and patients lived for many years and decades. More information and case assessment:If you need more information you are invited to fill out the form for case
assessment. Please ask your personal questions at the end of the form. I then
will answer your mail personally. |
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